Each of us at Blue Bird Foods Factory has a moral obligation to safeguard each other, our customers and the environment by aspiring to operate a safe and healthy workplace serving food that is always safe to eat and to minimize our impact on the environment.

To meet our commitment, we must:

  • Understand Customer/Consumer expectations and Deliver products/services that fulfil or surpass these expectations.
  • Comply with regulatory and legal requirements, international / federal requirements.
  • Use approved suppliers and accept only conforming products and services.
  • Ensure a sustainable quality and food safety culture through the implementation,
  • certification and continuous improvement of effective quality and food safety management
  • systems compliant with HACCP a/ HALAL and FSSC.
  • Validate the effectiveness of the quality and food safety management systems through
  • internal and external audit processes.
  • Apply a risk assessment methodology, aligned with the context in which we operate, to
  • facilitate our ability to achieve quality and food safety management system objectives and
  • continually improve.
  • Build a quality and food safety capability, mindset and culture through structured
  • programmes that develop employees’ competencies and technical skills, increase
  • awareness, manage risk and drive increasing levels of excellence across the organization.
  • Continually review quality and food safety policies, standards and procedures to effectively
  • manage food safety risks associated with changes in products, processes and technologies.
  • Communicate quality and food safety requirements to suppliers, contractors, customers and
  • consumers and other relevant interested parties.
  • Communicate quality and food safety aspects, strategies and performance to employees at
  • all levels, consumers, customers and principal stakeholders that have an impact om food safety and quality management systems.

Management Commitment:

  1. The HACCP/HALAL and FSMS is to use by all employees to uphold standards minimize food risk and to make Blue Bird Foods Factory LLC an exciting and rewarding place to work. Quality will continue to be a priority in all our internal and external business activities and fully supported at all levels.
  2. ln order to achieve this policy All staff must be individually responsible for the quality of their work, resulting in a continually improving working environment. The manual and SOPs are provided and explained to each employee by the relevant department head to achieve and maintain the required level of assurance, the guidance of Quality Assurance.


To produce and serve safe and consistent food products efficiently, reduce no of complains, welcoming and appealing environments and at the right cost to our customers, while striving to become a world-class organization

  • Reduction of customer complain to 50 % for 2022-23.
  • Target to achieve RFT (Rate first time acceptance) RM=80%, FG=95%, Packaging Material=95%
  • 100% Compliance on Food Safety Practices